There is no greater mission on earth than God’s Great Commission. It is the foundation of evangelism and the force that propels us into cross-cultural work. It’s the redemptive purpose that challenges us to put our faith into action, and it’s the shower of forgiveness flowing from the Father that reveals how we can still be used for His glory. Scroll down to find out how you can get involved in UBC missions today.
Commit to pray for each of these mission opportunities, and ask God to reveal how He wants you to get involved in His work.
Commit to give to the UBC Great Commission Offering to support missions next door and around the world.
Commit to actively participate in missions this year. It will change your life!
Every third Tuesday of the month, the UBC food pantry hands out food to 30 families in need. This ministry seeks to reach and share the love of Christ with those in our own community. Contact Jerry Phillips or the church office to volunteer today.

Other opportunities to serve locally come available throughout the year, such as providing a meal at the Community Soup Kitchen, local prayer walks, our annual Pumpkin Bash during the Halloween season and BEAST FEAST.
Willow, Alaska
We have a partnership with Jordan and Hannah Rowe serving at First Baptist Church of Willow, Alaska. UBC takes a team every Summer (usually around the middle of July). If you would like to find out more information about the trip, contact us today.

God Cares Ministries
Each year around the beginning of February, UBC partners with God Cares Ministries to staff a Christian float for parades in Gautier and Waveland, MS. If you can smile and handout Bibles, tracts and stickers, you are qualified. Contact us for information
about our next trip.
about our next trip.
North American Mission Board
More opportunities to serve across the United States are available through the North American Mission Board (NAMB). NAMB assists churches with evangelistic church planting strategy, the identification and training of missionaries, chaplains and church planters through the Send Network, and helps churches impact their communities through Send Relief. NAMB supports 5,262 missionaries throughout North America from church planters to university missionaries. 15% of UBC's Great Commission Offering directly supports NAMB missionaries


Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International, Honduras
Each year around late July to early August, a UBC team led by Andy Eddins travels to Honduras to work to minister to a village in Honduras. Activities include evangelism, a medical clinic, giving away beans and rice to families in need and more. We'd love to have you join us on our next trip.

Leaders Building Leaders
One of our members, Larry Wright, serves as the Missions Director of Leaders Building Leaders. This ministry strives to build leaders with a passion for the Great Commission. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please contact Larry Wright or the church office.
IMB partners with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are evangelizing, discipling, planting, multiplying healthy churches and training leaders among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God. Currently the IMB has 3,590 missionaries on the field reaching 896 different people groups. 30% of UBC’s Great Commission Offering is designated to IMB to directly aid these missionaries on the field around the world.

Each year around the months of February-March we have a special giving emphasis to help raise money for missions. However, you may give to the UBC missions fund at any time. Just designate your gift to "missions". All gifts to UBC’s Great Commission Offering are distributed according to the following graph.